️️️ 10 December 2022 - Q4 Project Update ️️️. Dear Ormeus Ecosystem DAO Community,.

10 Dec 2022, 02:33
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 10 December 2022 - Q4 Project Update ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dear Ormeus Ecosystem DAO Community, In today's update, we would like to give you more information about the ongoing development. As we mentioned in our previous announcement, Q3 Project Update, we have been working on the DAO and the new webpage for the past couple of months. We are happy to share that in-depth testing has been done on the technology development level, and the results have been positive. Due to the coming holidays, we expect that final Alpha Testing will be completed by the end of Jan 2023, and we can be ready for Beta testing with the Elite and Champions team and community after that. Thank you for remaining our faithful collective, We, The Ormeus Ecosystem Dao, wish you a warm and calm holiday season.